Fit Fender Strat, gio, Squier or other strat style guitar.
- Metric Size, ideal for Asia made(China, Korea, Japan) 6mm diameter shaft import pots.
- Not for inch size pots like Fender, CTS, Dimazio pots. Metric Size is popular in guitars bass made outside the USA/Mexico.
- Material: Plastic with acrylic transparent housing.
This is a coarse splined set of knobs. If you count the splines on a coarse knob you will have a total of 18 splines. If you count them on the pot, there are 8 on each side of the split (16 total). Almost all press-on knobs that fit coarse 18-spline pot shafts won’t fit fine 24-spline shafts, and vice versa. NEVER pinch the control shaft with pliers to make a knob fit. This can cause the split shaft to break.
These are factory parts. Instructions are not included. If you have any doubt about installation, consult your local luthier.